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Blood and Guts walking tours

December 2023

Blood and Guts: The Twists and Turns of Edinburgh's Medical History walking tour

Date(s): 10 December 2023

Time: 2pm

Cost: £9.95-£17.95

Age Restrictions: 10+

Booking Link:

"Blood and Guts walking tour was amazing! We loved the tour guide, all the history and stories we heard. It was also awesome to walk around the museum afterwards.” ***** Join Surgeons Hall Museums on their 5* walking tour through Edinburgh’s old town. We will take you through the highs and lows of Edinburgh’s world renowned medical history. Discov…


Blood and Guts: The Twists and Turns of Edinburgh's Medical History walking tour

Date(s): 9 December 2023

Time: 2pm

Cost: £9.95-£17.95

Age Restrictions: 10+

Booking Link:

"Blood and Guts walking tour was amazing! We loved the tour guide, all the history and stories we heard. It was also awesome to walk around the museum afterwards.” ***** Join Surgeons Hall Museums on their 5* walking tour through Edinburgh’s old town. We will take you through the highs and lows of Edinburgh’s world renowned medical history. Discov…


The Secret Of Life: The History, Discovery & Significance of DNA Structure

Date(s): 4 December 2023

Time: 2.30pm

Cost: £3

Booking Link:

Join us for this hour long afternoon talk that explores the history, significance and discovery of DNA structure, on its 70th anniversary with Surgeons Hall Museums Senior Research Fellow Professor Ken Donaldson. Seventy years ago, in April 1953, a paper appeared in Nature science journal by the American James Watson and the Englishman Francis Cric…


Blood and Guts: The Twists and Turns of Edinburgh's Medical History walking tour

Date(s): 3 December 2023

Time: 2pm

Cost: £9.95-£17.95

Age Restrictions: 10+

Booking Link:

"Blood and Guts walking tour was amazing! We loved the tour guide, all the history and stories we heard. It was also awesome to walk around the museum afterwards.” ***** Join Surgeons Hall Museums on their 5* walking tour through Edinburgh’s old town. We will take you through the highs and lows of Edinburgh’s world renowned medical history. Discov…


Blood and Guts: The Twists and Turns of Edinburgh's Medical History walking tour

Date(s): 2 December 2023

Time: 2pm

Cost: £9.95-£17.95

Age Restrictions: 10+

Booking Link:

"Blood and Guts walking tour was amazing! We loved the tour guide, all the history and stories we heard. It was also awesome to walk around the museum afterwards.” ***** Join Surgeons Hall Museums on their 5* walking tour through Edinburgh’s old town. We will take you through the highs and lows of Edinburgh’s world renowned medical history. Discov…


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